- 72Chai-1 Defeats AlphaFold 3 (chaidiscovery.com)
- 402A good day to trie-hard: saving compute 1% at a time (blog.cloudflare.com)
- 85Tutorial on diffusion models for imaging and vision (arxiv.org)
- 79Lottery Simulator (2023) (perthirtysix.com)
- 314Google Illuminate: Books and papers turned into audio (illuminate.google.com)
- 287Another police raid in Germany (forum.torproject.org)
- 44Rust in illumos (wegmueller.it)
- 135Satellites Spotting Aircraft (tech.marksblogg.com)
- 22What is the best pointer tagging method? (coredumped.dev)
- 31Among the Moss Piglets: The First Image of a Tardigrade (1773) (publicdomainreview.org)
- 43Pixhell Attack: Leaking Info from Air-Gap Computers via 'Singing Pixels' (arxiv.org)
- 438Apple must pay 13B euros in back taxes, EU's top court rules (cnbc.com)
- 90Floral formula (en.wikipedia.org)
- 12Ask HN: Any hope for removable, rechargable battery standards? ()
ask - 102Git Bash is my preferred Windows shell (ii.com)
- 97Our Git Hash Bug (tmendez.dev)
- 107Show HN: Visual DB – Web front end for your database (visualdb.com)
- 94Flipper Zero Gets Major Firmware Update, Can Eavesdrop on Walkie-Talkies (pcmag.com)
- 102Why Not Comments (buttondown.com)
- 90Tomato64: A port of Tomato Firmware to x86_64 (tomato64.org)
- 66The Friendship that made Google huge (2018) (newyorker.com)
- 3Jeremy Couillard's video games capture what it's like to be alive (artbasel.com)
- 163Debugging in the Multiverse (antithesis.com)
- 230What you can get out of a high-quality font (sinja.io)
- 121How we made Jupyter notebooks load faster (singlestore.com)
- 177Show HN: YourNextStore – an open-source Shopify with Stripe as the back end (github.com)
- 54Show HN: DBOS transact – Ultra-lightweight durable execution in Python (github.com)
- 8Arvo Pärt's Journey (plough.com)
- 6People who are colorblind are less likely to be picky eaters (theconversation.com)
- 108Multispectral Imaging and the Voynich Manuscript (manuscriptroadtrip.wordpress.com)