> Inject the same value into two or more charts to integrate them safer than Helm alone.
Helm dropped the ball on this and walked away. Defining values in one place and propagating the values to all the charts is simply not possible. There are multiple discussions in the history with proposed solutions that always end up getting sent to die in the HIP process.
I look forward to a helm-free future.
I think it’s still a way off unfortunately. Most projects I see that run on Kubernetes have a Helm chart, but nothing else.
I think whatever replaces it needs to enable a gradual embrace-extend-extinguish migration path.
I am secretly pining for a k8s free future. But maybe I should be careful what I wish for...
I've never looked back. Projects like this one would certainly help make it more sane. Love to see work in this space
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement!
> Inject the same value into two or more charts to integrate them safer than Helm alone.
Helm dropped the ball on this and walked away. Defining values in one place and propagating the values to all the charts is simply not possible. There are multiple discussions in the history with proposed solutions that always end up getting sent to die in the HIP process.
Agreed, this is one of the major reasons we sought out something else and found CUE.
We had a massive umbrella chart with a top level globals key for awhile but it was very difficult for us to maintain.
Cuelang is awesome. I've been using a custom built solution. Excited to try this out.