- 122DevHub.app – Developer Utilities for macOS (github.com)
- 3MI6 and CIA using generative AI to combat tech-driven threat actors (theregister.com)
- 32Rust for the small things? but what about Python? (dataengineeringcentral.substack.com)
- 66Snapshottable Stores (dl.acm.org)
- 41Ask HN: UK based blogs on freedom and surveillence? ()
ask - 326Cruise ships chopped in half are a license to print money (newatlas.com)
- 42Litecli: CLI for SQLite Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting (github.com)
- 198How a 16th Century Explorer's Sailing Ship Works (youtube.com)
- 530WebP: The WebPage Compression Format (purplesyringa.moe)
- 125Graphics Tricks from Boomers (arnaud-carre.github.io)
- 49Using rsync to create a limited ability to write remote files (utcc.utoronto.ca)
- 43NTT All-Photonics Network Activated Between Taiwan and Japan (insidehpc.com)
- 33OpenScope Air Traffic Control Simulator (openscope.co)
- 81Comfy, the 2D rust game engine, is now archived (github.com)
- 121White House asks agencies to step up internet routing security efforts (reuters.com)
- 73How to wrap a C compiler and preprocessor, really (humprog.org)
- 196Asking the wrong questions (2017) (ben-evans.com)
- 77A day in the life of the fastest supercomputer (nature.com)
- 113Baiting the bot (conspirator0.substack.com)
- 279A Post-Google World? (thebignewsletter.com)
- 302Cracking an old ZIP file to help open source the ANC's "Vula" secret crypto code (blog.jgc.org)
- 609Keyhole – Forge own Windows Store licenses (massgrave.dev)
- 289Serving AI from the Basement – 192GB of VRAM Setup (ahmadosman.com)
- 127Concrete clickbait: next time you share a spomenik photo (2016) (new-east-archive.org)
- 214Have ‘hobby’ apps become the new social networks? (theguardian.com)
- 71Enumerate all the subdomains for a domain name (merklemap.com)
- 118The Beginnings of FM Radio Broadcasting (2018) (theradiohistorian.org)
- 209GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar (misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu)
- 255CitizenDJ – Make music using free audio and video from the Library of Congress (citizen-dj.labs.loc.gov)
- 44Manual 'Till It Hurts (adactio.com)