- 148Announcing The Stargate Project (openai.com)
- 37Hunyuan3D 2.0 – High-Resolution 3D Assets Generation (github.com)
- 9390-click deanonymization attack targeting Signal, Discord, other platforms (gist.github.com)
- 256Invisible Electrostatic Wall at 3M plant (1996) (amasci.com)
- 33The Peppermills of Jens Quistgaard (quistgaardpepper.com)
- 156Calm tech certification "rewards" less distracting tech (spectrum.ieee.org)
- 72Rafael Araujo's 20 Mesmerizing Geometrical Masterpieces (2024) (abakcus.com)
- 89Mercator: Extreme (mrgris.com)
- 26JReleaser: quick and effortless way to release your project (jreleaser.org)
- 10Castle Game Engine: Web target – big progress, first 3 demos to try (castle-engine.io)
- HyperDX (YC S22) is hiring engineers to build open source observability (ycombinator.com)
job - 26Sigstore: Making sure your software is what it claims to be (sigstore.dev)
- 165Ask HN: Is anyone doing anything cool with tiny language models? ()
ask - 129Show HN: I made a app that uses NFC as a physical switch to block distractions (foqos.app)
- 77Guided by the beauty of our test suite (mattkeeter.com)
- 64Concept Cells Help Your Brain Abstract Information and Build Memories (quantamagazine.org)
- 32Interesting BiCMOS circuits in the Pentium, reverse-engineered (righto.com)
- 16Unconventional Adventures (quarter--mile.com)
- 67How many Alpine packages can you install at once? (2024) (naff.dev)
- 98Show HN: Printercow – Turn any thermal printer into an API endpoint (printercow.com)
- 116More than 40% of postdocs leave academia, study reveals (nature.com)
- 21Show HN: A submarine combat game in the browser (bearingsonly.net)
- 318Ask HN: Organize local communities without Facebook? ()
ask - 264Metacognitive laziness: Effects of generative AI on learning motivation (bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com)
- 174Kimi K1.5: Scaling Reinforcement Learning with LLMs (github.com)
- 468Reverse engineering Call of Duty anti-cheat (ssno.cc)
- 81Prime Numbers So Memorable That People Hunt for Them (scientificamerican.com)
- 161Couriers mystified by the algorithms that control their jobs (theguardian.com)
- 23Show HN: SudokuVariants – play and construct different variants of Sudoku (sudokuvariants.com)
- 239People are bad at reporting what they eat. That's a problem for dietary research (science.org)